I have known Sally for 6 years when she joined my lab in the Spring of 2013 in the program in Clinical and Experimental Therapeutic, College of Pharmacy, University of Georgia. As a teacher and a major advisor I got to see first hand how bright Sally is and I got to know her very well as an attentive and focused student in the class who finished all required course work with straight A. Sally is a talented surgeon who contributed to several projects in the Retinopathy Lab and developed her project to examine the link of p75NTR on stem cells and vascular repair. Sally won The first place for best student presentation in the Regional Southern Translational And Educational (STaR) Conference in 2014 and 2015 . She also got second place in the VA Research day in 2015 . Further, Sally’s work was supported by the prestigious predoctoral fellowship from American Heart Association , Greater South east affiliate (2015-2016). I worked closely with her to develop her project, technical and presentation skills and she completed her thesis with a long and impressive list of publications including 6-first author and 6-co-authored articles. She successfully defended her Doctoral thesis and graduated in December 2016. Sally had postcoctoral training at the University of Tennessee, Dept of Ophthalmology and presented her work in ARVO 2017 . In 2018, Sally continued her success journey and accepted a Faculty position at Mansoura University School, where she teaches Pharmacy students and continues her research.
Publication List: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=el-remessy+and+elshaer
Current position: http://eupc.mans.edu.eg/V2/get?Dr=28411051200689&T=2&L=A&fbclid=IwAR3Znbe6P2_uKj3Il0tg9I-cT0p0yIlW3bV9ugX4Fr7Aoi8xzX0ovTPbiHs
Scholar: https://scholar.google.com.eg/citations?user=dncPUF4AAAAJ&hl=en