About us
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Growing up in Egypt, I was inspired by my family; a hard working father who exemplified discipline and respect and a creative and nurturing mother. I always loved and excelled in school and science in particular. After receiving B. Pharmacy with Academic Honors (First place) from Mansoura University, I completed a Master in Clinical Pharmacy from Mansoura University, Egypt in 1995. My passion to learn more energized me to obtain a highly competitive and prestigious scholarship from the Egyptian government that allowed me to join the graduate program at Medical College of Georgia, currently known as Augusta University (AU).
Coming to the US changed my career path, I joined the Vascular Biology Center at AU as a post-doctoral fellow under the mentorship of Dr. Ruth Caldwell, an accomplished and renowned expert in retinal angiogenesis. Another chapter of hard work and learning curve of how to think, test and present ideas, learned even how obtain funds to do it all.
Moving to the College of Pharmacy, University of Georgia gave me a wide window of opportunity for personal and professional growth. I was inspired by the great leadership within the Dept and College. Being a Faculty and a Director of the Graduate program in Clinical and Experimental Therapeutics was such excellent platform to teach, mentor, research and serve the profession at multiple levels. My research program flourished with vibrant collaboration, publication record and success stories.
Leaving Academia gave me another opportunity to pursue an old dream to earn a PharmD and serve in the clinical arena. It is very exciting time to be able to live up my quote
“Accomplished Scientist by training, Clinical Pharmacist by employment, Committed Mentor by practicing and Passionate for all the above and more!”